What am I doing wrong?!

What am I doing wrong?!
Me on another video call... aah the joy's of working from home. lol

Last week, I was on a call where attendees openly shared their big leaps and current challenges. One person specifically talked about launching a public offer on LinkedIn, only to be met with disappointing results—literally zero responses.

He reposted with a new image, but still nothing. Finally, he considered changing the copy or tone but couldn’t pinpoint the issue. Was it the price? The audience? The copy?

“What am I doing wrong?!”

he finally yelped in frustration, his desperation was evident. He ended his share with a chuckle and a lighthearted joke. The room laughed along in relief, but I felt the sting of pain beneath his armor.

He was wounded. And many of us in the room could relate.

His story affected me deeply.

After the call, I couldn’t shake his story. I wondered, if he had posed his question, “What am I doing wrong?” directly to me, what would I say?

I took a walk and thought about it for a while. Then, I wrote down my thoughts.

The Essentials:

As I walked, I thought about the most essential ways to engage your audience. A diagram of five sequential circles appeared in my mind’s eye, representing the basic elements of connecting heart-to-heart with your audience:

1. Align with your CHANGE: Know the big change you want to make. Make sure that all that you give out is in alignment with the overarching change you deliver.

2.GIVE without expectation: Generosity is the best strategy for connection, especially without strings attached. How can you show up generously and freely?

2. Come from JOY: Joy and play lower guards and helps to open people to your message. How can you infuse joy and play into your work?

3. Magnify your MOJO: Stand out by magnifying your unique story, strengths, and style. What makes you, you?

4. Forget going big, instead go MICRO: Overwhelm is real. Offer your value in bite-sized pieces. How can you start small and build trust incrementally?

Not only would these five circles be my answer to my friend on the call last week, but they are also the prompts I invite you to consider.

👉 What generous, joy-filled, micro invitations can you create around your unique expertise?

📝 Write me back and share your thoughts and questions!
Maybe we can even do a play session together to bring your ideas to life. 💫

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