An Invitation to Simplicity: Three New Workshops We're Launching

Simply beats complicated any day. What in your business feels complicated? What does it look like to simplify your growth?

An Invitation to Simplicity: Three New Workshops We're Launching

Back in 2017 my husband Joshua and I had two separate businesses.

I was running Story Sitez, a design company.
And Joshua was running Run and Jump Media, a Production Company.

Life was a bit crazy and complicated.

One early morning during this hectic time, I went on a run to clear my head.

I remember it like it was yesterday.

I ran a few miles and ended up at the park. I was all by myself, out of breath, tired, and ready to go home.

When I turned around to head back, I felt a strong sense to stay and take some more time for myself.

I didn't really have the time, but I decided to stay anyway.

I looked for a bench, sat down, and started to write out my thoughts...

What if it were easier?
What if it were fun?
What if me and Joshua had one business instead of two?

Ooooof... that last one dropped down into my stomach and stopped me in my tracks.

The more I wrote, the more I felt this strong energy pulling me toward simplifying our two businesses into one.

I felt very nerv-cited (nervous and excited at the same time)

But how could that work?
What if Joshua protested?
What will we do with our clients?

I had endless questions with ZERO answers. But instead of more ruminating, I focused in on one question... What would we call it?

After some pondering and poking... a name came.


hmmm.... that sounds kinda cool.
Joshua and I both liked working with small businesses and I loved the idea of guerilla marketing

But I'm sure it's already taken...

I looked up the domain just to see and guess what...
It was available.
I couldn't believe it.

Whoa.. are we really going to do this?

I got home, talked with Joshua, and just like that Small Gorilla was born.

Now, so many years later, together we are able to offer our clients way more streamlined support than we ever could do solo.

Not only do we help with websites, and production, but now we have a whole host of other growth services that help entrepreneurs find their people with clarity and heart.

Looking back that one choice to simplify was one of the best decisions we've ever made.

What about you!?

How might you take some time to write out your heart concerning your business?

  • What in your business feels complicated?
  • What if it were more easy, fun, and light?
  • What could THAT look like?

PS: Here are some of the fun things we get to do, as a result of streamlining and simplifying our services.

Free Newsletter Up Jam Session

November 14th, 10am-11am PT
A free interactive webinar that will help you rediscover what it means to create a body of work that attracts your people.

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This is a one-day workshop to set up a content connection system that is a regenerative way to share your work and find your people.

Launch Lab

Next Workshop Q1 2024
Have our team help you launch a full-service brand, with heartfelt marketing and growth baked in.

The Product Playground

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Dream up your next product, and let us help you make it a reality

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