Check out my new book: Mojo Makers CONNECT šŸŽ‰

Check out my new book: Mojo Makers CONNECT šŸŽ‰
CONNECT: 7 Ways to Share Your Work, Find Your People and Grow an Audience that Cares

Hey y'all, guess what I've been up to?

šŸ‘‰ Writing my book! Yeee! šŸ™ŒšŸ¾

It's tentatively called...

Mojo Makers CONNECT

7 Ways to Share Your Work, Find Your People, and Grow an Audience that Cares.

But now, I need your help to finish it.

I am looking for a small group of beta readers to refine and provide feedback.

The Beta Book Club Experience

Over the next three weeks, I'll be sharing my current book writing progress with a small group of early readers so they can review and give their honest feedback.

This group of initial reviewers is what I'm referring to as my Beta Book Club fam. I want to keep the group reasonably small, just so I can process the feedback without getting too overwhelmed.

If you want to be among the first contributors, I would LOVE to have you!
Sign up below! šŸ™ŒšŸ¾

Here's how it works:

2 Emails every week over the next 3 Weeks

  • Every Tuesday and Thursday during the upcoming 3 weeks you will receive an email containing a brief story, and some practical tips for expanding your audience.
    (The content will be extracted from the book)
  • Each email will conclude with a button redirecting you to a feedback page. (Have a go with Chapter 1)
  • After the 3 weeks, on March 7th I'll host a virtual appreciation call to discuss the most valuable insights with participants. And give away some exciting prizes as tokens of gratitude.

    OK, That's it for now. šŸ™ŒšŸ¾
    Register below or feel free to reach out if you have any questions.

The Beta Book Club Experience

Share Your Work ā¬¦ Find Your People ā¬¦ Grow Your Audience

Join Now. It's FREE!

PS: Some other fun things are happening. Stay tuned and watch your inbox šŸŽ‰

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