Don't Launch!

Don't Launch!
Photo by Nathan Dumlao / Unsplash

Just Lead

I remember when I wanted to be a professional choreographer.
I'd used every chance I'd had to take on that identity.

I started groups. Like many many groups.
I had a church dance group.
A School dance team.
A neighborhood squad.
A family crew.

No One Came

And I had class at my neighborhood community center which no one came to except for me, my boyfriend, and my 2-year-old daughter.

Every week I would show up, hoping someone would take advantage of my free dance class. I hung flyers. I told everyone around the neighborhood, but still no one showed up.

It was disappointing and humiliating.

Something Good

Then one Saturday, I went to take class at the local dance studio downtown. The one that all of the famous dancers from the city worked and danced at. I had to park my car down the street because it was jam-packed. And when I closed the door, a flutter of happy goosebumpy feelings flushed through me. I instantly recognized it as oh something good is happening and said a quick prayer of gratitude. "I don't know what that was, but whatever it is. Thank you, Lord."

I then walked back down the street to the front entrance of the dance studio. As soon as I opened the door, the owner Peppervon, said
"Heeeeeyyy, you're the dancer from New Years Eve at the church right?!"
Yes... I said looking a bit puzzled. The next words he said surprised me.
"Why don't you teach here"
"I don't know, Why Don't I teach here"... I said jokingly.
OK give your headshot and resume to Mary, the studio manager
...and the rest was history.

The Origin of my Dream

Outwardly, it seemed that being hired at the dance studio was the beginning of me becoming the professional choreographer I dreamed of.

However, I believe the origin of my becoming a professional choreographer started way before then. It was those times I led rehearsals in the streets in my neighborhood, in my friends' garages, before and after school, at the park, at the church, and anywhere else I could find. The dream started to manifest way before anyone noticed or offered me a way forward. It was in those small moments when I leaned into the dream even when no one else could see me.

Your Turn

What if instead of scheming some grand launch...
You stepped out and led.

Every day.
In every conversation.
With every opportunity. . .

What does it look like to simply show up and share:
1. The lessons you're learning.
2. The Aha's you're discovering.
3. The vision you're moving towards.

How might you scrap the launch and go out and lead right where you are?

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